Friday, July 10, 2009


LivingStonespdx is a ministry of the Portland International House of Prayer that seeks to mobilize and equip the body of Christ in the areas of prayer, worship, justice and the arts. We desire to see our community transformed by the presence of Jesus and believe that this will come through both our own personal initmacy with Jesus and a focused corporate strategy of prayer. Our mission is to merge prayer, justice and the arts into a lifestyle of worship, living among the broken and poor of our generation, longing to be the blessing God promised we would be. Our time in prayer must lead to actions that touch our world.

This summer we will begin what is to become a monthly one week prayer event in the downtown area as we continue on our pursuit to establish continual, united, strategic worship and prayer for the region. (aka 24-7 worship and prayer)

Leading up to this, we will be spending time praying over the city from some of the high points (council crest, washington park, pittock mansion lawn....) and we invite you to join us.

More information will be posted regarding the week in August (the dates are listed below), which will include a variety of expressions of prayer and worship, including the arts and community outreach.

Teaching will be offered throughout the week on topics such as:
Listening Prayer, The Role of the Holy Spirit, Praying the Word,
The Justice God Desires and Prayer/Worship as a Lifestyle.
We will also look at what "continual, united, strategic prayer" actually means and the foundational principles set in scripture for the building of a house of prayer in the city.

Please mark these dates on your calendar and watch for further information!! Feel free to spread the word around!

July: Praying from the high points of the city:
(bring your guitars and hand drums. if you want to carpool, meet at the K House at 7:30 sharp!
633 SW Montgomery)

Tuesday, July 14th: 8-10pm prayer and worship in the Rose Gardens
Tuesday, July 21st: 8-10pm prayer and worship on Council Crest
Tuesday, July 28th: 8-10pm prayer and worship at Pittock Mansion

Thursday-Saturday July 30th -August 1st
Facedown 48 at Tualatin Foursquare Church
in conjunction with other local prayer ministries


Sunday, August 9th Place TBA
7pm Vision Casting/Teaching: foundations of PIHOP/what is continual, united, strategic prayer?
9-11pm Kick off for one week of prayer with worship and intercession: calling for justice and mercy

Monday, August 10-Saturday, August 15th
day and night prayer: establishing the watches
6-8am Morning Meditations

11am-1pm Prayer in the Parks

7-8pm Teaching
8pm-Midnight Evening Celebrations: worship and prayer/interceding for the city

7-10pm Outreach with local ministries
10pm-Midnight: Evening Celebration prayer and worship/interceding for the city

Thursday, August 27- Saturday, August 29: Facedown 48 location TBA

See you in the city this summer!!

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