Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Please join the Portland International House of Prayer and Father's House City Ministries as we host a week of prayer in the city focused on the Portland/Vancouver Region

August 9th
7:30-10pm Kick Off
Please join us as we begin our week of prayer.
Renee Boucher, director of the Portland International House of Prayer, will share the vision for
corporate strategic prayer in the city and the specifics of this week.
Prayer and worship will follow

August 10th-August 14th

Monday through Friday:

6:30-8:00 am Morning Meditations
in the Courtyard at First Presbyterian Church (SW 13th and Alder)
Begin each morning with others corporately meditating on a specific scripture. Time will be facilitated by prayer leaders and the group will share revelations from this scripture and use it to pray for the city for the last hour.

11:30-1:00 Prayer in the Parks

Meet at the following locations to pray together for the Portland region:

Monday: S Park Blocks by Rebekah’s well
Tuesday: Pioneer Square
Wednesday: FourCourt Fountains
Thursday: O’bryant Square
Friday: Waterfront Park by ampitheatre under Hawthorne Bridge

7:30pm-10pm Outreach/Prayer and Worship

Outreach will be facilitated by the Can We Help? Team, a ministry of the Father’s House Ministries. Possible activities will include handing out cold water, feeding the homeless, participating in various random acts of kindness and/or meeting other needs in the downtown community. Meet at the Koinonia House for specific instructions.

corporate strategic prayer will take place at the Koinonia House on the PSU campus.

Tuesday will focus prayer on the seven redemptive gifts of Portland identified through the spiritual history of our region
Thursday will focus prayer on the college campuses in our region, particularly PSU

10pm-Midnight prayer and worship at the Koinonia House

If you would like to help lead prayer and worship in the evenings, please contact Renee asap: boucher.renee@gmail.com

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